Category Archives: News

Developing Santrokofi

 A week ago today (3rd august 2013), I  attended a meeting summoned by Nana Sarku Brempong V, the Nifahene of Santrokofi traditional area to discuss strategic issues on the development of Santrokofi  Benua. The discussions centered predominantly on how to … Continue reading

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Sɛɛsa ye!

Hello world! This is the new The aim of this website is to provide news and background information on Santrokofi — both for Balɛɛ citizens and for anyone else interested. Under photos you can find photo galleries. Under documents you … Continue reading

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Sɛlɛɛ NT dedication, April 2009

This gallery contains 15 photos.

These are photos of the dedication of the Sɛlɛɛ New Testament, April 4th, 2009. They were made by Mark Dingemanse, a researcher working in Akpufa-Mempeasem and doing research on Siwu and neighbouring languages.

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